6 Most Common Door Lock Problems: A Guide by Locksmith in Dubai

You probably haven’t given much attention to the complications that might arise with your door locks until a problem has arisen for your family. You may be aware that your locks are aging or that you can always call a Locksmith in Dubai if something goes wrong, but what are the most typical door lock problems to be aware of?

For instance, you can end up with a key that breaks in the lock or one that doesn’t operate properly. In another case, your locks may misalign or become too loose, or you may experience a sluggish lock and defective door. Take a deeper look at some of the most prevalent causes of door lock issues in the sections below.

Difficulty in Inserting Key

Key Broken inside the door lock - Locksmith in Dubai
Key Broken inside the door lock – Locksmith in Dubai

This can happen if you press the wrong key. Before hiring a locksmith for assistance in unlocking your door, double-check that it is the correct one. It’s also possible that the lock is filthy and requires cleaning.

Although door locks are simple, they are the most important safeguard for the safety and security of your house and company.

As a result, when a problem develops, it is critical to contact a skilled locksmith.

Due to regular wear and tear, door locks may become difficult to use over time. Keep an eye out for warning signals that a crisis is on the way.

Door Lock Won’t Turn

There are several reasons why your door lock won’t turn. We’ve ruled out the most common error we’ve all done — using the wrong key – because it requires no explanation, so let’s look at why this may be occurring with the correct key.

On a uPVC door, a problem with the barrel or gearbox may prevent you from spinning the lock, but a Yale lock – or latch lock – may have a problem with the internal mechanism. A mortice lock is a type of lock that is commonly seen in wooden doors, and it may not turn due to malfunctioning levers within or a damaged bolt thrower.

It’s likely that you’ll require a new door lock in most of these cases. If you have the time, experience, and materials, you might be able to pick up and replace Yale and mortice locks, but a uPVC lock will necessitate the services of Locksmith. If internal components of your lock have failed, it is always recommended that you seek expert assistance to guarantee the security of your property is maintained with a professional replacement service.

Lock Cylinder Keeps Turning

A key spinning in a lock, like other lock troubles, might be caused by a variety of factors depending on the lock type. It usually signifies that the internal mechanism has broken down, causing the power of your turn to have no effect on the bolt. It’s also possible that the cylinder is loose.

It’s easy to see this problem, but it’s not so simple to figure out why it’s happening without changing the lock – especially if you can’t even open the door. A skilled locksmith can determine why your key is spinning and take any required steps to fix or replace the lock if it is beyond repair. If you don’t know how to fix a lock, the worst thing you can do is keep spinning it or fiddling with it. You may potentially worsen the problem, forcing a complete replacement rather than a simple fix. 

Slow Lock & Handle

It may not be the end of the world if you have to force your lock while locking or unlocking your door because you can still go in and out of your home, but it is still an annoyance and should not be overlooked. If you ignore the problem, it will not go away and will eventually lead to the handle or lock not moving at all.

This may be the simplest of all the issues on this list to resolve on your own. Over time, dirt and filth accumulate in locks, blocking them and making them harder to operate. Remove any dust and grime from your lock, the keyhole, and the mechanism around the door’s edge. Use a graphite lubricant after that to assist the component to move smoothly and reduce friction, which can slow down the lock’s functioning. Use only a lock lubricant suggested by the manufacturer, since certain lubricants will cause greater clogging over time.

If these measures don’t solve the problem, I’ll contact a local locksmith who can dig deeper and assist me get my door back in working condition. 

Key Broken inside the Lock

An obvious issue to diagnose is a key that has broken off in the lock. This can happen for one of two reasons: either you snapped your key in the lock, or someone else with a key to the property snapped their key in the lock, preventing yours from getting in.

Dirty or faulty locks

Locks can end up being a collection of a bit of dirt and grime. Dirt can easily be inserted into a lock via keys and such. This dust can be inconvenient and cause issues such as keys jamming. General wear and tear on your locks can also lead to them becoming faulty. It’s a good idea to check and clean your locks regularly. By maintaining your locks, you can help ensure your hardware lasts longer and protects your property more efficiently.


The best security doors feature a substantial core, which makes them difficult to bust open or kick in.

Most of the stable doors are silent, whereas hollow doors reverberate. This way, you’ll be able to figure out what kind of door you have and what procedures you need to do to ensure the safety of your doors. If your external door lacks a deadbolt lock, consider installing one. Always get a high-quality door lock that can endure both mild and hard treatment. A decent door lock allows you to enter and exit your house whenever you choose.

Attempt to fix door locks as soon as possible, since they may become a burden and a difficult chore if not managed properly.